'use strict'
let clientConfiguration = require("../core/client.conf"),
processQuery = require("../core/processor").processQuery,
validation = require("./validation")
* Get the current user data
* @returns {Promise}
module.exports.getMyself = () => {
return processQuery({
method: "get",
baseURL: clientConfiguration.baseURL + "/users/edit",
headers: clientConfiguration.headers
}, true);
* Get the given user public data
* @param userID - ID of the user to get the data from
* @returns {Promise}
module.exports.getPublicUser = (userID) => {
return processQuery({
method: "get",
baseURL: clientConfiguration.baseURL + `/user_admin/${userID}`,
headers: clientConfiguration.headers
}, true);
* Get a list of all users
* @returns {Promise}
module.exports.getUsersList = () =>{
return processQuery({
method: "get",
baseURL: clientConfiguration.baseURL + "/user_admin/",
headers: clientConfiguration.headers
* Get the list of allowed relation types for editing record's relationships.
* @returns {Promise}
module.exports.getRelationsTypes = () =>{
return processQuery({
method: "get",
baseURL: clientConfiguration.baseURL + "/record_associations/allowed"
* Get the list of available profile types for a user.
* @returns {Promise}
module.exports.getProfileTypes = () =>{
return processQuery( {
method: "get",
baseURL: clientConfiguration.baseURL + "/users/profile_types",
headers: clientConfiguration.headers,
* Get records without a DOI
* @returns {Promise}
module.exports.getRecordsWithoutDOI = () => {
return processQuery({
method: "get",
baseURL: clientConfiguration.baseURL + "/files/no_dois",
}, true);
* Get the current record
* @param {Number} recordID - id of the record to get
* @returns {Promise}
module.exports.getRecord = (recordID) => {
return processQuery({
method: "get",
baseURL: `${clientConfiguration.baseURL}/fairsharing_records/${recordID}`,
headers: clientConfiguration.headers
}, true);
* Get the extra metadata fields for a RecordType
* @param {String} recordType - name of the record type.
* @returns {Promise}
module.exports.getMetadataFields = (recordType) => {
return processQuery({
method: "post",
baseURL: clientConfiguration.baseURL + "/fairsharing_records/metadata_fields",
headers: clientConfiguration.headers,
data:{type: recordType}
}, true);
* Search the countries
* @param {String} tagType - the type of tag to search for (eg. countries, domains, subjects, ...)
* @param {String} query - an optional query string
* @returns {Promise}
module.exports.searchTags = (tagType, query= null) => {
return processQuery({
method: "post",
baseURL: `${clientConfiguration.baseURL}/search/${tagType}`,
headers: clientConfiguration.headers,
data: query ? {q: query} : {}
}, true)
* Get the given tag type
* @param tagType
* @param tagID
* @returns {Promise}
module.exports.getTag = (tagType, tagID) => {
return processQuery({
method: "get",
baseURL: `${clientConfiguration.baseURL}/${tagType}/${tagID}`,
headers: clientConfiguration.headers,
}, true)
* Search FAIRsharing records
* @example
* RESTClient.searchRecords({q: "GenBank", page: 1, perPage: 2}).then((res) => {console.log(res)})
* @param {Object} query - optional query string
* @returns {Promise}
module.exports.searchRecords = (query = {}) => {
const baseURL = new URL("/search/fairsharing_records", clientConfiguration.baseURL)
if (query.page) baseURL.searchParams.set("page[number]", query.page)
if (query.perPage) baseURL.searchParams.set("page[size]", query.perPage)
return processQuery({
method: "post",
baseURL: baseURL.href,
headers: clientConfiguration.headers,
data: query.q ? {q: query.q} : {}
}, true);